Taeyoon Choi

Taeyoon Choi an artist, educator, and organizer. He is a co-founder of the School for Poetic Computation, an artist-run institution with the motto of “More Poetry, Less Demo!” Taeyoon seeks a sense of gentleness, intellectual kinship, magnanimity, justice and solidarity in his work and collaboration. He has presented installations, performances and workshops at Eyebeam Art and Technology Center, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, New Museum, M+ Museum, Istanbul Design Biennale, Seoul Mediacity Biennale and more. He contributed to alternative education such as the Public School New York, Occupy University and Triple Canopy Publication Intensive. In 2018, Taeyoon worked with Mimi Onuoha, Ritu Ghiya and Neta Bomani to organize the New York Tech Zine Fair. He also collaborated with Nabil Hassein and Sonia Boller to organize the Code Ecologies conference about the environmental impact of technology. He collaborated with Alexander R. Galloway, Cori Kresge and the Cybernetics Library to organize the Uncomputable. In 2019, he worked on Poetic Computation: Detroit with support from the Knight Foundation and SFPC in Yamaguchi in partnership with the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]. He spoke at the Creative Time Summit, Decentralized Web Summit, Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop, 8th World Summit on Arts and Culture and Eyeo Festival. He’s an adjunct professor at Interactive Telecommunications Program in the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University. He is an affiliate at the Data and Society Research Institute where he engages with social scientists and activists. As a disability justice organizer, Taeyoon continues to work with the Deaf and Disability community towards accessibility and inclusion. Lately at the School for Poetic Computation, Taeyoon helps teachers to plan their classes and organizes special events and research projects.

Taeyoon Choi
Fall 2019 Teacher
Spring 2019 Teacher
Fall 2018 Teacher
Spring 2018 Teacher
Fall 2017 Organizer
Fall 2016 Organizer
Summer 2016 Organizer
Fall 2015 Organizer
Summer 2015 Teacher
Spring 2015 Organizer
Fall 2014 Organizer
Spring 2014 Organizer
Fall 2013 Organizer
Code Societies 2020 Advisor
Website http://taeyoonchoi.com
Twitter @tchoi8
Github tchoi8
Location Seoul, South Korea